AMS Blog
America is Nearing its “Peak 65” Moment
“Peak 65” is a new program from the Alliance for Lifetime Income, a non-profit consumer education organization, that highlights a unique moment in our nation’s history. Peak 65 also reveals the retirement opportunities and concerns that lie ahead. CLICK HERE for More!
Participation Rate versus Caps
The concept behind fixed index annuities (FIAs) is simple; using a fixed annuity means both principal and credited interest are protected from stock market risk, and linking potential interest to an external index may provide more interest than earning a fixed rate. Today, there are FIAs that base the interest earned on 35% of the […]
Dr. Marrion Weekly Quote
Interest rates recovered based on production optimism and inflation fear. Rates will trend up. Dr. Jack Marrion – October 22, 2021
Dr. Jack Marrion
Interest rates did back off a bit this week, but will be trending higher going through 2022. Crystal balls still see a 2% 10-Year T-Note yield around New Year’s. – Dr. Jack Marrion 15 October 2021
Social Security Benefit Taxation
Social Security Benefit Taxation (SSBT) came about due to legislation passed in 1983 saying if your income exceeded a certain level ($32,000 for joint returns, $25,000 for singles), 50% of the benefit would be taxed. Ten years later the amount of benefits subject to tax was increased to 85% at income exceeding $44,000 for joint […]